The Z-Bike at the Italian Bike Festival in Rimini: come try it!

The Z-Bike at the Italian Bike Festival in Rimini: come try it!

Next Friday, September 10th, the Z-Bike will be at the Italian Bike Festival in Rimini. Thanks to the collaboration with Obiettivo3, the project to introduce people to Paralympic sports founded by Alex Zanardi, part of the Z-Bike technical staff will participate at...
«Z-Bike, a great challenge for able-bodied people too»

«Z-Bike, a great challenge for able-bodied people too»

Giampaolo Dallara, how was the idea for the Z-Bike born? «It was born from the friendship and admiration we have for a fantastic character such as Alex Zanardi. A character which we learned to know as a great racing driver but that with time proved himself to be a...
«The Z-Bike was designed like a Formula 1 car»

«The Z-Bike was designed like a Formula 1 car»

Luca Vescovi, manager of the Dallara Advanced Composite Research Center, do you remember when the idea of creating the Z-Bike was born? «The first discussions happened almost 3 years ago. I remember that our CEO, Andrea Pontremoli, called to let me know we had a new...